Types Of Arthritis and remedies
There are several types of arthritis and remedies. Obviously we can not list all of them here. But, some of which are as follows:
In the joints :
- Arthritis
- Arthritis / spondylosis
- Tuberculosis in the joints
- Arthritis caused by tuberculosis
- Arthritis caused by trauma
- Rheumatoid arthritis occurs in three major stages.
Intense :
- Antiquity
- Arthritis that never heals
- Before treating any ailment according to Ayurveda, one has to focus on the patient’s entire routine, diet and habits. There are three things to look for when treating any ailment.
Things which may matter are as follows-
- Patient history
- Wrong eating habits
- Life style/vitality of the patient
Arthritis is treated in two ways is a dangerous misconception. It needs long treatment.
Internal treatment and External treatment
Internal Remedies –
Generally, Poor diet is a major cause Rheumatoid arthritis. For this, it is necessary to include green leafy vegetables, milk and also boiled foods in the daily diet. The risk of rheumatoid arthritis may display a reduction, if one consumes drinking water in correct quantity on daily basis. On an average, one should drink at least seven to eight glasses of water daily.
The feces stored in the intestines of our body decomposes over time, causing excessive flatulence. The patient’s stomach must be ‘clean’, to prevent rheumatism or to get early relief from rheumatism. If your stomach is clean and you do not suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, you should include as much fiber in your diet as possible. It is best to eat fruit and vegetable salads such as carrots, cucumbers, cabbage and beets.
External treatment
Orthayu is a special formula with herbs that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that give long-term and lasting results and relief. With the resulting side-effects that come with the continuous usage of painkillers, Orthayu guarantees zero side-effects and is becoming a trusted and more useful alternative.
You can Order Orthayu Pain relief Balm by clicking here. To read more about arthritis, please go through our blogs on telecart.com